Today a memorial was held for John Massie, a 46 year old man who died on January 6 of this year. Right now there are at least 2 deaths a week in Toronto of people who are homeless. This is untenable. Expect this number to increase.
A group of 20 or so people gathered for the memorial that was held at the corner of King and Bay where 3 speakers said a few words, and later we walked the few short blocks to the Bank of Montreal ATM vestibule where John Massie died. Bright flowers were held in mittened hands. As we settled into this new location more stories were told. I never knew John but I felt an obligation to witness his death. Perhaps because I am so tired of the lack of political will when it comes to street deaths of people who are homeless and disabled. I also felt the need to witness the relationship between homelessness and disability that exists. John Massie was a man without a home and was not able to walk well according to all accounts. He was without a home, restricted at the end of his life to living within a 6 block radius.
Stories told suggested that he was a generous man who shared all he had. Tobacco and flowers were left outside the bank vestibule and a call for the opening of warming centres was made to the few media who managed to show up for this memorial. Since the City has defunded agency programs that used to distribute blankets and sleeping bags–survival supplies– it is urgent that we open warming centres during the winter. Tonight the temperature will fall to -27. The winds will increase this making the liklihood of death higher. Can anyone hear us?