Sunday, December 9, 2007
catching up
I am writing the final report for the project and counting the rejection letters as we try to show the work in different venues. It's hard and sometimes my energy is low. It's having to get up every day and just find the motivation to continue. And know that we will get the letters, those sweet letters, of rejection.
I don't take it personally, cause I can't. I know it is about finding the right venue. And that is not easy. I also know we need to mount the work in different ways. There is always hindsight, right?
And yet when I look over the project and what we accomplished I see that we did a great deal of what we set out to do and that should make me happy. It does, but being a bit of a perfectionist, I want more. So there is an application in for a post-production grant so that we can continue to work with the video and audio footage. If we had another month or two we would have a great piece to exhibit. And yes, we do have a venue for the work in May 2008. For a few short days. But it is there...