Wednesday, May 2, 2007

asleep in Toronto

We've been too busy on the streets to find time to write. And it's also the end of semester so I've been marking papers and getting ready for summer session.
We've presented our work at the Streetlife conference at the University of Toronto and at the Conference for Campus Community Partnerships in Health - with great responses.
The photo above was taken in the core of downtown and no, the window isn't open - there is no window and there is no roof on this gorgeous old home. I was laying on the roadway looking up to take this one. And Kevin and Jean Guy were protecting me from the cars.
The CONTACT photography festival is on this month but we were not able to find a venue for our work from the project - maybe next year. The work is so powerful - scroll down to see some of it. leave me a comment if you want to see more. Over time I will get it up here. The questions are always to do with time.
asleep in Toronto (the other name for in/vulnerabilities) started and we went for our first walkabout today. it was difficult at first to get folk to use their cameras. There is anxiety - maybe? - about how many rolls we have... But I just said I expected everyone to use up their whole camera this week. and we'll see what happens and how many get turned in next week.
We may have a partner to help us with developing the film. I have been chatting with them for over a month. They are cautious and believe in the project and the work we are doing but they are also a small business and feel strongly that we need more government support for these kinds of initiatives. And I can't say not to that! So, I may have good news about that in the future.