Thursday, May 8, 2008

Success and a call...

Look carefully at this photograph. Taken yesterday outside Metro Hall. Somethings have not changed in our wonderful city. People still sleeping...

Anyway apologies for not writing. I have been busy! But I am writing with some good/ish news. We have become part of a large Social Sciences and Humanities Public Outreach project that has been awarded funding. One part of our work involves exhibiting work from asleep in Toronto and a day in the life along with other projects that took place in Toronto. We have diverse partners, some new, some old. Street Health and the Wellesley Institute are familiar to us, and we welcome new partnerships with the University of Toronto, Ryerson University, Ontario Women's Health Network, Regent Park Community Health Centre, NFB, and St Michael's Hospital. We have several objectives as well - to look at the recommendations from all of the work and put together a public document, to find our peer researcher/artists again, to reconstellate the work for a new exhibition space, and to celebrate the new collaborations out of which we hope we will generate community transformation. Researchers, educators, peers from the streets will all come together to learn and teach about the importance of these local experiences

We will look for additional funding to reconstitute the work from asleep in Toronto. I have to find everyone now and work with them around how they want it to be in this new space. Yes - Metro Hall - more on that soon! So if you are reading this and were a part of a day in life or asleep in Toronto - contact me or your worker (if you have one) to get hold of me! And we'll figure it all out.... Also we have a publication coming out really soon. I just looked at the galleys and made the final corrections. Nothing too lyrical about that writing. But it's done! Wish us luck on the funding front. Right now we need it!